Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pret a Manger

I learned an important lesson today: don't go to a sandwich place looking for dessert.

I was standing in line at Pret a Manger and I was seduced by the cute little name and packaging of this little Love Bite.  I thought for sure the little treat would be a bite full of....well, a bite full of love.

The Love Bite is for the birds.  Literally, it has bird food in it.  Seeds, raisins, dry crumbs, and (I'm convinced) a hint of sidewalk chalk.  It left my mouth dry and my heart empty.  After experiencing what the birds eat every day, I wanted to go out and feed them chocolate chips and cheesecake and gumdrops.  
They deserve better than what they're getting.

Don't learn this lesson on your own, learn it from me and don't get dessert at a sandwich place.

{if only it had been like a lollipop}

Final rating: 1.75 out of 5


  1. Sorry, that was me, just wanted to tell you I thought this post was hilarious. I have a feeling that you think so too.
